BricksUK Modern Slavery Policy
Modern Slavery Act 2015
Remedial Repair and Extension Match are trading names of BricksUK Ltd.
This statement covers the issues of modern slavery in the work place and how BricksUK Ltd take steps to understand the risks of and ensure modern slavery is not found in our business or direct supply chains.
BricksUK Ltd work with property owners, building contractors, house builders and building product manufacturers across the UK to colour tint, weather and repair brick, stone and concrete building materials in situ on site.
All work carried out by BricksUK Ltd is carried out in the UK, the materials we use and source to carry out our works are also based in the UK.
A zero tolerance attitude towards modern slavery and human trafficking is taken at all times. BricksUK Ltd will collaborate with other organisations to ensure the zero tolerance policy is adhered to.
All staff will be made aware of the Modern Slavery Helpline (0800 0121 700) which can be used when instances are suspected and what to do next.
Staff are encouraged to report any issues they believe to be relevant to a Manager or higher, appropriate action will then be taken.
As BricksUK Ltd grows official policies and procedures will be put in place in relation to Slavery and Human Trafficking, information and training will also be provided during new employee inductions. Policies and procedures to be revised annually.
John Hall
January 2024
Remedial Repair and Extension Match are trading names of BricksUK Ltd.
This statement covers the issues of modern slavery in the work place and how BricksUK Ltd take steps to understand the risks of and ensure modern slavery is not found in our business or direct supply chains.
BricksUK Ltd work with property owners, building contractors, house builders and building product manufacturers across the UK to colour tint, weather and repair brick, stone and concrete building materials in situ on site.
All work carried out by BricksUK Ltd is carried out in the UK, the materials we use and source to carry out our works are also based in the UK.
A zero tolerance attitude towards modern slavery and human trafficking is taken at all times. BricksUK Ltd will collaborate with other organisations to ensure the zero tolerance policy is adhered to.
All staff will be made aware of the Modern Slavery Helpline (0800 0121 700) which can be used when instances are suspected and what to do next.
Staff are encouraged to report any issues they believe to be relevant to a Manager or higher, appropriate action will then be taken.
As BricksUK Ltd grows official policies and procedures will be put in place in relation to Slavery and Human Trafficking, information and training will also be provided during new employee inductions. Policies and procedures to be revised annually.
John Hall
January 2024